About Me

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Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am currently on a 12 month work placement with the NHS as part of my Business Studies Degree at Sheffield Hallam University. I am working at the Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group(ECCCG) as the Transformation Programme Support Officer. As part of my role I will be working alongside the Strategy and Transformation team at the Clinical Commissioning Group(CCG), who are working towards joining up care for the local population through the Caring Together Programme.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Introduction to Quality Improvement and Staff Away Day

4th April-13th May 2016

Over the past month I have been very busy so I do apologise in advance for the lack of blog posts. The time is just flying by and I cannot believe I only have just over two months left at the CCG.

Throughout my placement I have been heavily involved with working alongside the Transformation team on the Caring Together Programme. This month in particular I have been helping to assist with the full implementation of the revised Governance Structure. I have helped to coordinate the first meeting of the Patient and Public Advisory Group. This group is made up of representatives who live in Eastern Cheshire and have a keen interest in shaping the healthcare going forward for the population. It was a really interesting meeting to attend to be able to hear and see how passionate the group were to help shape the local health and social care services for Eastern Cheshire.

I have also been offered the opportunity to enrol on a Quality Improvement programme through the Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) which is running through May and June. I attended the first of these sessions two weeks ago and found it very worthwhile. I was introduced to the theory and concepts around quality improvement including defining what is quality and what it means to a consumer, employee etc.  As part of the requirements for the course I have to identify a project that I would like to work through and apply the theory learnt in these sessions. Within the first session we were looking at identifying the aim of our projects and mapping the projects out using different mapping processes including Fishbone Diagrams and Driver Diagrams. Participating in this course at this time is really helpful for me as it eases me back into studying again and learning new concepts in preparation for September when I go back to university and the new topic areas I will be studying.

At the beginning of the month the CCG held an away day for all of its staff members. As the event was held on May 4th, the day had a Star Wars Theme running throughout it. The day was aimed towards team building, celebrating the successes over the past year and looking forward to the year ahead. There was also a Star Wars themed ‘Bake Off’ which many staff participated in and there were some very creative and tasty bakes presented. I was also involved in some of the coordination of the event from creating delegates badges in the Star Wars theme to helping to create collateral for event. 

Finally I attended the latest QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention) workshop. At these sessions several project mandates are presented to a select group of people from both CCG staff to patient representatives to review and score the projects against a prioritisation matrix that has been developed. These sessions are all designed around looking at ways that the CCG can make efficiency savings within the increasing financial pressure the NHS is under.