About Me

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Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am currently on a 12 month work placement with the NHS as part of my Business Studies Degree at Sheffield Hallam University. I am working at the Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group(ECCCG) as the Transformation Programme Support Officer. As part of my role I will be working alongside the Strategy and Transformation team at the Clinical Commissioning Group(CCG), who are working towards joining up care for the local population through the Caring Together Programme.

Monday 8 February 2016

Cultural Transformation!

18th-29th January 2016

Over the past few weeks I have been involved in a piece of work which is looking at Cultural Transformation. Cultural Transformation is looking at transforming the way the local health and social care system works and turning it into a more integrated system and adopting the Eastern Cheshire Integrated Care Programme, Caring Together.
It is all about educating both the workforce and the population of the Eastern Cheshire Health and Social Care Organisations to adopt a new way of working and also adjusting to a new way to receive care.
I have been looking at reports that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published for the local providers such as East Cheshire Trust and The Cheshire and Wirral Partnership. When reading through these reports I have been identifying areas where Cultural Transformation is working effectively within organisations and in some organisations that it is maybe not working so well in. I am now going to be pulling a document together that presents all of my findings.     

I have also been working on a piece of work that is looking at the ECCCG Five Year Strategic Plan which sets out seven ambitions that the CCG is aiming to achieve over a five year period from 2014/2015 to 2018/2019. Also along with this NHS England puts together their CCG Outcomes Indicator Set which contains five outcomes and their corresponding indicators that CCG’s should be achieving through their Five Year Strategic Plan. I have been tasked with the job of pulling together a document that displays both ECCCG’s seven ambitions and also the CCG Outcomes Indicator Set and identifying which of the ambitions are aligning with and meeting the national standards.

Also I have been working with the PMO again over the last couple of weeks and I have been tasked with the job of putting together a diagram that displays the reporting structure within the CCG and also including the transformation programme, Caring Together. As there is so much work being undertaken at any one time at the CCG and things can change on a regular basis, it has lead the PMO to decide to pull together this document to display the current reporting structure within the organisation.